OK...so it's been at least a good two weeks since I've blogged, and I apologize for that....but to reflect...a lot has happened in those two weeks or so...we've not only gotten a new president, but the first Black president..how exciting...I started a new job that had me pretty busy my first week...and Baby Lopez was seen via ultrasound for the first time in over a month..and has grown from 9mm to a little over 2 inches :) I haven't decided if I should post the ultrasound pics yet...Baby Lopez now looks like a baby...we don't know the sex yet, but we were able to see the baby looking back at us...the head, eyes, abdomen, feet, arms, etc...it was a cool little visit (Oct. 31st). So we'll see....not sure if people really wanna see them or not...I know that the only reason I get excited about the pics is because it's my child...as opposed to when I would see other peoples ultrasound pics I would be like "ahhh..how nice..." but it was out of courtesy you know....but anyways....
So a long time ago, before I knew I was pregnant, and even after we found out, my mom had this great idea that if I had a boy, I should name him Joaquin Barack. I said no....and then recently I told Francis about it and he was like, well...he would be destined for greatness considering he's named after two presidents, one an ex prsident of the Dominican Republic, and on of the U.S..... just a random thought...I doubt if Baby Lopez is a boy that he's named Joaquin Barack....
To go back to our halloween ob/gyn visit, we get there, and the midwife looks at me and goes, "wow, aren't you big for your first trimester!" " Are you sure there's only one in there???" I'm like yeah, that's what you guys told me last time...but thanks for letting me know I'm unusally big....
Then she starts telling me about my acne outbreaks....cause thank God for make up...my face looks like some meaty pizza....but anyway, she tells me about how men and women both share the same hormones, its just women have more female hormones to make them females, and males more male hormones, etc...but since the body is all out of whack during pregnancy and hormone levels are heightenend, sometimes women get a boost of their female hormones and have glowing radiant skin....but on the flip side, those testosterone levels can rise and cause acne. She then goes on to ask if I am a domineering/bossy woman...and Francis is like, boy, you have no idea! So not only am I big..but I could've been a dude....
On a brighter note, the doctor told me that I'm lucky that I didn't suffer from the morning sickness and nausea, and if I haven't had it at this point, I'm not going to go through it so YAY!
On a darker note, I am having problems with my sciatic nerve already, and it is early in my pregnancy for me to be experiencing these problems, so she says that if it persists I might need to see the physical therapist :/
So that's it....when I find my camera I will post belly pics ....