I was saying to Francis last night, " You know, being pregnant is really surreal...it's like, I know I'm pregnant, but I don't feel like I am most of the time, and then I look at myself in the mirror and receive confirmation that yes, there is something growing inside of me." Would that be considered surreal? I was reading my book "The Mocha Manual to a Fabulous Pregnancy" that my friend bought for me, and they talk about how your body is no longer your own. For example, most ladies grow hair on their legs, underarms, etc...and they shave it off and it stays like that for at least 3-5 days...well, that was the case for me, until I got pregnant. You would think that my hair growth hormones were on overdrive...I have to shave my pits like every other day....I told Francis, "look! It's like I have Don King in a headlock!!" LOL... But seriously...this hair thing is crazy..I'ma have to go buy some more razors..its like summer stock in the winter.
I was also thinking this morning about all the different things that occur during pregnancy that people just don't talk about, but when you mention it they say yeah, you are gonna have alot of that, or just wait til you get this many months and see what happens. For example, I already told you that my appetite sucks! Well lately, I will go from being full to hungry in 2 mins flat! One minute, I'm chillin, not feeling hungry, nothing...then the next minute, I'm feeling like a starving child in a third world country! I don't appreciate that. No, I don't deal with morning sickness, but I do have to keep a constant baggie of treats for myself to curve my appetite in the event that I can't readily get to a full meal. And even when I get that full meal, it's not guaranteed that its gonna hit the spot, which just leaves you with an empty feeling. Craziness I tell you. Or how you can go pee..then lay down for sleep, but before you can even get good sleep in, you gotta pee again. And if you have ever been to my house in the fall/winter, you know its cold. So imagine being all snuggled under the covers, cozy and ready to indulge in a wonderful nights rest, and then being hit with the urge to pee that is so profound you feel like you are gonna need Depends before the pregnancy is done with. Me needing to pee is actually what woke me up at 5:15am for work, so I guess it's good for something. Nonetheless, these were just my thoughts from last night/this morning...
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
A week in review
So I wanted to wait until I took new belly pics before I posted another blog...but a whole week went by....meaning I missed my opportunity to take week 9 pics and I will just have to dive in with week 10 belly (whenever I take some). So to give you a recap on the latest with baby Lopez... (s)he is picky. The taste bud thing hasn't gotten any better, and now (s)he just doesn't let me enjoy food. I went out with my mom over the weekend, ordered a nice chicken breast, chili, and fries from Texas Roadhouse...all I ate were fries. I had a piece of meat and it instantly disagreed with me, the chili was spicy so I couldn't eat that, and the fries just took up space. So disappointing. Last week I went and got my hair braided, and I guess there were too tight because my body went into shock. As I'm driving home, I got a sudden urge to pee....I was all short of breath and shaking as if I had been inside of a igloo naked! I had to call Francis and tell him to open the door as I ran inside to release. Then I'm standing there shaking from head to toe, for like an hour straight. I had on my clothes, coat, and a robe and was still shaking. Francis and my aunt made me some chicken noodle soup...I ate that...but low and behold it all came up. All these weeks I had been rebuking the spirit of nausea/vomiting, and here it was! Every single thing I ate came up that night...but I felt sooooo good afterwards. Lord knows I didn't wanna go to work the next day, but I had too....luckily my hair looked nice, cause you could see all in my face where I looked blue :( But back to my night of vomiting....I couldn't lay down and get comfortable because my braids were tight (I'm tenderheaded), and I was colder than cold..why was baby Lopez punishing me?? I still have no idea...all I can say is that (s)he is a finicky one...let's hope that doesn't remain until birth.
Other than that, we have been chillin....my frequency of urination has increased...and it sucks! Imagine being all warm in your bed, and knowing that the air outside of your bed is freezing cold ( I know I know, stop being cheap and turn on the heat, but not yet....) and waking up cause you have to pee...and you wanna hold it but you know that if you hold it you are gonna regret it later. That is the new story of my life...waking up at odd hours running to the bathroom so that I don't accidently pee in the bed because I drempt that I was on the toilet!
Random thought: When I was sick last wednesday, I say to Francis..."Francis, I just don't understand why I got so sick all of a sudden"...his response " maybe it's that wad of sperm that turned into a baby!" LOL
Francis also, like two days ago, decied to point out to me all the places in which I have grown, spread, etc. I'm getting dressed and he goes yeah...your pouch is really noticible now, and the fat on your sides, and your boobs, and your hips spread, and your butt is wider...I'm like, gee, thanks, that's just what I wanna hear, lol! It doesn't matter, im still fine, pregnant and all!
Other than that, we have been chillin....my frequency of urination has increased...and it sucks! Imagine being all warm in your bed, and knowing that the air outside of your bed is freezing cold ( I know I know, stop being cheap and turn on the heat, but not yet....) and waking up cause you have to pee...and you wanna hold it but you know that if you hold it you are gonna regret it later. That is the new story of my life...waking up at odd hours running to the bathroom so that I don't accidently pee in the bed because I drempt that I was on the toilet!
Random thought: When I was sick last wednesday, I say to Francis..."Francis, I just don't understand why I got so sick all of a sudden"...his response " maybe it's that wad of sperm that turned into a baby!" LOL
Francis also, like two days ago, decied to point out to me all the places in which I have grown, spread, etc. I'm getting dressed and he goes yeah...your pouch is really noticible now, and the fat on your sides, and your boobs, and your hips spread, and your butt is wider...I'm like, gee, thanks, that's just what I wanna hear, lol! It doesn't matter, im still fine, pregnant and all!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
LIfe is passing me by....
And you wanna know why?? Because I'm sleep! ALL THE TIME!!!! Man, back to these symptoms, and the main one that I "suffer" from- fatigue. On any given day, I get home from work, let the dogs out, turn off all the phones, and I'm OUT COLD! I could probably sleep until the next day. The only reason I set an alarm to get back up is so that the dogs can be fed and I can get myself prepared for the next day. But I can definitely tell that my days are super short and life is just passing me by. My house is starting to suffer - I did two of about nine loads of clothes in the hamper. I have NEVER needed to mop my entire house at one given time. Just craziness. Not to mention Baby Lopez still is finicky about what we eat. The only thing that I can say we like, consistently, is strawberry, mandarin orange, and pineapple fruit cups. Everything else, it just depends. (S)he might like it, (s)he might not. Nonetheless, that's about all that is going on with us. Here are our pics from week 8 taken 10/8/08. I'm still not sure if I am going to scan the first set of ultrasound pics....the baby is only 7 weeks 2 days in the pic and still quite tiny, something like 11mm in size..we'll see...

oh...don't hate on the pj's ;)
oh...don't hate on the pj's ;)
Monday, October 6, 2008
Wanna know what sucks????
Being hungry for nothing. Being hungry for the sake of being hungry but not having a taste for anything!! Making food, thinking, man, this is gonna be good, and beginning to eat, just to realize, its not hitting the spot and therefore you no longer want to eat it. Baby Lopez is a trip. (S)he doesn't necessarily not like anything (i.e., no nausea/puking) but (s)he doesn't like anything either - except fruit. I can't survive off fruit!!! I went to my grandmother's house while I was on bedrest, excited because I knew she would cook for me. She made greens, cornbread, turkey, dressing, etc....all smelled really good, but tasted like nothing as it entered my mouth. She's like, what's wrong?? I'm like, nothing, it just isn't hitting the spot :( This is for the birds. I'm trying to eat healthy food so that the baby grows healthy and strong, but nothing is really hitting the spot. As much as I love peanut butter and jelly, and cereal, I can't eat that for the remainder of this pregnancy. Baby Lopez needs to get it together!
Friday, October 3, 2008
From Awful to Awesome
Wednesday night I came home from work and running errands, went to the restroom, wiped and found blood. So I'm trying not to panic, but of course I'm in a panic because blood is bad, especially so early on in my pregnancy. So I'm pacing around the house, trying to get myself situated, I call my mom and then my grandmother (who, btw, had to calm me down) to see which hospital I should go to, etc. I didn't want to call Francis because I knew he would leave work instantly and I didn't want him all in a panic you know. So instead of me having to drive out to Hinsdale, my mom's friend found me a nice hospital that's like 15 mins from the house. I went to the E.R., checked myself in at about 7:55pm and waited. I wasn't seen by the doctor until 10:40pm. They asked me some more questions, did a routine pelvic exam, and then sent me up for an ultrasound. This is where the awesome part comes in...I was able to see my 7week old baby :) It was the most awesome thing ever in life. I was able to hear the heartbeat and everything =) So once all of that was done, I went back downstairs and was able to call Francis to have him come to the hospital. He made it there about 11:30pm or so. His nervous face came around the corner wanting to know if everything was ok, etc. The doctors came back down about 1am or so to let me know that my diagnosis was a threatened abortion (threatened miscarriage) and subchoronial? hematoma. Basically I had a slight hemmhorage caused by stress, etc. and I am currently on bedrest. I have a follow-up doctors appointment today. I really hope and pray that all goes well with that. I did have a little bit of blood today and yesterday but not a gushing amount. I am trying to take it easy and Francis is doing a very good job taking care of me. So I ask that if you are reading this that you keep my family in your prayers...
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