So Donovan Samuel Lopez came into this world on May 18, 2009...weighing in at 9 lbs 7.7 oz and almost 21 inches long! Francis and I went in on that Sunday at approximately 8 pm... walked for 2 hours until I was 3-4 cm dilated, and I had him the following day at 5:43 p.m. I will spare you all the horrible details of my labor, and shorten it by saying that I pushed for three hours and then had a c-section (which I felt- medications didn't work). But yes...I have been unable to blog, because I have been recovering and sleeping when he sleeps. Now..the only reason I am putting up pictures is because he doesn't look all wrinkly like most newborns...nope, my boy is a whopper that looks like he's about a month old :) He is daddy's joy and mama's angel. We couldn't have asked for anything more. Stay tuned, as time permits I think I will journal this thing called motherhood. And boy what a journey it has been so far....
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Yup...definitely a Whopper, lol!
So Donovan Samuel Lopez came into this world on May 18, 2009...weighing in at 9 lbs 7.7 oz and almost 21 inches long! Francis and I went in on that Sunday at approximately 8 pm... walked for 2 hours until I was 3-4 cm dilated, and I had him the following day at 5:43 p.m. I will spare you all the horrible details of my labor, and shorten it by saying that I pushed for three hours and then had a c-section (which I felt- medications didn't work). But yes...I have been unable to blog, because I have been recovering and sleeping when he sleeps. Now..the only reason I am putting up pictures is because he doesn't look all wrinkly like most newborns...nope, my boy is a whopper that looks like he's about a month old :) He is daddy's joy and mama's angel. We couldn't have asked for anything more. Stay tuned, as time permits I think I will journal this thing called motherhood. And boy what a journey it has been so far....
Saturday, May 16, 2009
The time is near....
....Or at least it seems like it. Technically we have four more days until he is due, HOWEVER, I am starting to demonstrate signs of labor. Now, whether they are pre labor or false labor, I don't know. I did have a series of contractions for most of the day/evening yesterday, and today I woke up with "show". I am going to wait until I have contractions that are 5-7 minutes apart before I call the doctor, or at least that's what I'm going to try to do unless my water breaks. Which, as a quick fact, only about 10-15% of women have their water break as they go into all that stuff we see in movies is just for show. But back to the contractions...they aren't painful, just a tightening in my stomach and pressure in my pelvis...but definitely nothing to go screaming about. I am excited that the "show" I had today resembles the "show" I read about in my book - I'm talking about the bloody show that lets you know your body is dilating/effacing. I feel great though. I'm contemplating attending the dinner and a movie with my friends tonight, and my mom is on her way to take me to run a few errands. She doesn't want me driving and having contractions at the same time. Right now as we speak my body feels like it does when that time of the month comes, but nothing more. I am going to stick to my plan of trying to labor at home for as long as possible and then hopefully by the time I get to the hospital it will be time to push. We'll see how that all works out. Originally I said that it would be nice to have the baby on my grandmother's birthday, which is tomorrow - May 17th. I might have even mentioned this in a previous blog. We'll see what the Lord wills on this one. Oh, btw, I just had a contraction as I'm typing this...I dont' forsee the baby coming past the 20th...
Monday, May 11, 2009
No Go's Monday, and I'm blogging, which means no baby. The most I got yesterday was a few contractions, which by the way, I didn't even know where contractions until Friday. I guess Baby Lopez is telling his mother that he's gonna come when he wants to come, and no time sooner. Who knows...there are a few things that I need to get done around the house, but that notion of anxiety is starting to take over. One of my co-workers did say today that she would pray that I would at least "drop" this week...she says that I look like I'm 8 months high! I was like..hey, he is due next Wednesday, so who knows if I'll, I may even go past my due date since most first time moms do. And that's the thing...I don't want to go past my due date. I know patience is a virtue, but anyone that knows me, knows I am not very patient. In this case I have no control over the situation so I will just have to wait. I've tried all of the old wives tales solutions to helping him come on out and still nothing. Oh well...
And yes...random strangers on the street are still telling me how I look like I'm ready to pop, how I'm due any second, not day, but any second now, and how I look like I'm having twins...even when I say there's only one in there, they ask me if I'm sure, as if I haven't had a million ultrasounds that confirm there is only one in there. I tell ya...
And yes...random strangers on the street are still telling me how I look like I'm ready to pop, how I'm due any second, not day, but any second now, and how I look like I'm having twins...even when I say there's only one in there, they ask me if I'm sure, as if I haven't had a million ultrasounds that confirm there is only one in there. I tell ya...
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
The Final Stretch
The final stretch it of today, I am 38 weeks pregnant. I officially have a right foot that swells up often...I cannot wear my wedding band because my hands swell throughout the day, and I am officially tired. And even though I get winded easily, I am going through that nesting period, so I'm still moving around like crazy. I went to a breastfeeding meeting yesterday and was surrounded by women popping out their boobs to feed kids that ranged from 3 months to 3, don't get me wrong, and I hope not to offend anyone, but if the baby can walk and talk and wipe themselves in the bathroom, they don't need to be feeding off the nipple! I think a good year of breastfeeding should be good...but not three or more! That's just me, but we'll see.
I am also experiencing increased pelvic pressure, which I think is great, cause maybe that means he's trying to make his way out :) I am a little nervous that 50% of first time moms don't deliver until their 41st week. Which is why I called one of my girlfriends and asked what she did in delivering early. She said she did lunges and squatting for like four days before she went into labor, and she never dropped. Which is great news for me, because I haven't started dropping either. However, this whole week I've gone to bed with this notion that I am going to get up in the middle of the night and feel some contractions. So far, nothing, but I think there's hope. I guess I'm just a little nervous about pushing out a baby that the doctors say already weighs over eight pounds. That's alot of weight to come out of a small place! And as I've said before, I DO NOT want a C-section.
On a brighter note, his nursery is coming together. I had said that I wasn't going to worry about doing much to it, but we were so blessed at the baby shower that I got in the mood to decorate. So far, I must say, it looks just as adorable as can be. Francis even likes how its turning out. Too bad everything probably won't be done before the baby makes his appearance. I'm going to exercise the power of the tongue and say that Baby Lopez will be here within the next week...I'll even go so far as to say that he will be a mother's day baby. Now if I'm blogging on May 11th, then you know nothing's changed, lol.
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