Thursday, September 3, 2009


So as you can tell, time has not really been on my side since I returned to work. I can't believe it's been almost a month since I last blogged! Well Donovan now weighs 17 lbs and is 25 inches long. He can grab and hold things, as well as sit up pretty straight. He also has the nerve to get an attitude when you put him on his belly and he realizes that he's not going anywhere despite his efforts to crawl, lol. He's also has been self spoiling himself. I know that it is my fault that I started the nasty habit of him sleeping next to me at night, but now that he is getting older I have been trying to put him in his own bed...but he says differently. Last night he hollered for about forty minutes straight and would not sleep in his bed. I guess he called himself mad with me for even attempting. And I know some will say, just let him holla, he'll eventually stop and go to sleep, but it just hurts my heart when he cries and I think forty minutes was long enough!

What else can I say...I still get a kick out of seeing him do new things and he definitely brightens my day when he smiles at me. I'm not tired of him...and hopefully, he's not tired of me :)