Friday, September 26, 2008


How do you know you are pregnant??? Well, besides the obvious missed period, "they" say there are many other ways of telling you are pregnant- vomiting (morning sickness), nausea, sore boobs, etc. Well I have none of these symptoms! EXCEPT- fatigue. MAN AM I TIRED! There are days where I am at work KNOCKED OUT! Drool starts to form I be so tired. And I was driving to work this morning thinking, man, when I get home, I'm gonna let the babies out and take a nice, long nap. Then I started thinking, what are you gonna do when the baby comes??? You can't just go to sleep when you are tired, cause you have to care for the baby. And you will be even more tired from getting up in the middle of the night for feedings, etc. See...this is why I wanted to wait for children, I enjoy my sleep all too well...and now it is going to be down the drain, and I'ma be running around here looking all crazy and sleep deprived -like when I was a freshman in college. What to do, what to do...not to mention I have this never ending cold that isn't making things any better. I can't take any medicine, and its a head cold, combined with my fatigue, and all my body wants/needs is rest, and I can't provide that to my body right now cause I'm stuck here working for the "man"!

1 comment:

ellie24 said...

Of all these symptoms, there's probably nothing more worse than morning sickness. when I was pregnant, I was having severe nausea and vomiting, and the only thing that keeps my stomach settled is my natural cure for morning sickness.