So on January 2nd, Francis and I went for our possibly last ultrasound. As soon as we get in the room the tech asks us if we want to know the sex of the baby. Francis is like " Yeah, that's what we're here for! lol). Needless to say, within five minutes of us having the gel on the belly, she pronounces, "It's a boy!" and types XY with an arrow next to his pee pee. Francis smiled for the whole hour after that :) Our little man likes to move his hands alot. Francis asked the tech if he was throwing up gang signs, lol. The tech also showed us the baby in 3D....and I was like, whoa, that looks like an alien baby, not cute at all...needeless to say, I don't have those pictures. He wouldn't get into a position where she could take better pictures either...sounds like a stubborn Taurus man to me.
So we go to my grandmother's house to show her the new pictures...and pronounce the sex of the baby. When she see's the pic of his pee pee, she like, "Wow that baby has alot down there"! Francis is like..."Yeah boy, that's Lopez right there". She gives him the crazy look and we go about our business. But then other people have had the same reaction as well...in church, work, chapter, with whoever I show the picture....I'ma ask the doctor if there is something unusual about my baby's pee pee...if she says he's fine, then I guess he will just be a well endowed man ;)
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