What you might ask? Well it's not a what, its who- Donovan Samuel Lopez. My boy and I went to the doctor Wednesday to get a fetal growth ultrasound done, basically because he has been measuring kinda big for the past month or so. So once we are done with the ultrasound, the tech informs me that he is measuring 38 weeks and 1 day (granted, I just made 36 weeks that day) and he was currently weighing in at 7lbs 12oz. Do you hear that folks, he's almost 8lbs!!! He's not due for another month...babies are supposed to gain an ounce a day...so by the end of this week he will be 8 lbs and growing!!! Now that's what I call a whopper. And speaking of being called a whopper...I kid you not, everywhere I go someone has a comment about how big I am. Francis and I gave change to a homeless guy, he then informed me that he had lost his basketball and wanted to know if I had found it! I was in the supermarket and a woman told me, " you know you shouldn't be out this late" I said, "I am on my way home". She's like.."are you sure, you look like you should be on your way to the hospital!". She then proceeds to tell me that I carrying twins...after I told her it was just one, she's like, naw honey, I think there is another one hiding in there. Heck, I had a elderly lady tell me today that I probably have two in there since I'm so big and sitting so high. Funny thing is...I don't necessarily look that big to myself..it's only when I put on clothes and look to the side in a mirror, then I'm like wow...wide load coming through!
It's all good though...I was able to see my boy and I am very excited for him to make his appearance. Every time I look at his ultrasound picture, it creates a calming feeling for me, a very loving feeling. I can't wait until I can see him all the time with all his many faces that he'll make, and changes he'll go through. Most of all, I'm just curious to see exactly who he will look like.
1 comment:
He does make a lot of faces! He's such a cutie patootie!!
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