Disclaimer: This blog is a rant, and not specific to anyone, read at your own discretion.
Read to the baby, talk to the baby, play music for the baby...these are all statements that I have been told lately, and I question them. Now, don't think that I'm a bad mother...I think Donovan and I have a great agreement/relationship with each other so far, and that it will only get better. But I wonder, how does the baby know the difference in me reading to him, and me talking to the world? He hears my voice all day long, why, cause he's inside of me! So what is the difference??? What is the difference in me listening to the radio in the car, and me putting headphones on my belly? And as for talking to the baby, the only voice he responds to is that of his daddy. I can talk to him all day, say his name, etc, and nothing. Francis can walk in the door and say, hola mi muchachito, como estas, etc, and he's up and running. I know you may say that I sound jealous, trust me, I'm not. This is mamma's boy, bets believe it. But I'm just saying people, what is the difference?
Next question. Why does the outside world view pregnant women as substitute buddah statues? When random people rub on your stomach, do they think it will them bring good luck? I had someone walk up to me today, rub my stomach, and then ask me if it bothers me that random people just rub me. I replied, "yes, I am not a dog, I am not buddah, and I don't appreciate the fuzz marks you are making on my midsection by rubbing me". Now, I know that sounds harsh, and trust me, it didn't come out that mean...but if I don't know you, why would you rub my stomach? I have no problem with people putting their hand on my stomach...or me letting them feel the baby move...but I didn't like being rubbed or caressed when I wasn't pregnant, and nothing has changed since.
Lastly, darn acid reflux. For the last few nights I have suffered from the worst acid reflux. My little boy is acting up. First he disobeys and starts giving me stretch marks. Now he has me unable to go to bed at night because I feel like I need to vomit and can't. I heard a wives tale that it just means he has alot of hair on his head. We are almost done, why is he just now growing hair?!?!? We are also back to this going to the bathroom 2-5 times a night. We haven't done that since my first trimester. I'm up and on the toilet every 2 hours it seems. Not to mention I suffer from a little insomnia. But I'm not going to complain, well, not anymore. Things could ALWAYS be worse, and like I said, we have pretty much been in agreement over the past eight months. Maybe he is trying to tell his mommy to slow down. Maybe this is my punishment. Don't worry little man, mommy is listening...and thanks to daddy putting me on bedrest when I'm home, we have all the time in the world to relax :)
The baby hears the mothers voice more. You could be talking to someone else and the baby wouldn't know. I Guess pretty soon we will all see him.
WOW...that was a rant. HEHEHEHEHE
Hey Tee,
Research shows that when you read stories, talk to your baby and listen to classical music while pregnant your baby is developing the awareness of rich words and vocabulary which helps children with their conversation, reading and oral vocabulary as they get older. Trust me, I believe it does make a difference. Keep it up soror! It will pay off when it is time for Baby Lopez to attend school.
Best Wishes!!!
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