Monday, June 1, 2009

12 hour marathon

Donovan decided that he would be fussy for 12 hours straight yesterday/today. Of course, he is sleeping like no other today. We were awake since about 4pm yesterday and did not get anything that resembeled a nap until a little after 4 am this morning. Of course, when we woke up this morning I called the pediatrician, because that's just ridiculous. My initial prognosis was correct, it was gas. My poor baby is plagued by gas, which in turn is plaguing his mother, because I have yet to get any sleep between going to the hospital, etc. Aww the joys of motherhood. I had such a bad headache yesterday that my eyes hurt. I couldn't get any sleep and neither could he. Let's hope for a better night tonight :)

1 comment:

Kristal said...

Poor Baby!!! Poor Mommy!!! I wonder if they have something like lactaid for babies cause he definitely seemed happier after burps. Ugh that has to be miserable for him :-(