Wednesday, March 25, 2009

It's Begun....

I've heard about it, I've read about it...but it hadn't happened to me so I didn't really think about it, and then last week it began. What you ask? The point in every woman's pregnancy when she loses her identity and it becomes all about the baby. Friends and family see you but they don't speak to you, they put their hands on your belly and start talking to your unborn child. And forbid if you have named the fetus, then that is all you hear! I went to a few gatherings last week where Donovan got ALL the attention. I know that it is not about me anymore. I know that a shift is about to occur...but dangit, he's not due for another two months! LOL! But seriously, it has begun. Baby Lopez is greeted before his mother is, even though he can't respond yet. Maybe I should start getting used to it...

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