Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Back to work...

So yesterday was my first day back to work. I knew there wouldn't be much for me to do so I took some busywork with me. Now, I assume that most mothers suffer from some type of separation anxiety once they return to work. Almost every person that saw me immediately asked how I was doing being away from the baby. They looked at me strange when I said that I was fine. The next question to follow was something to the effect of, don't you miss the baby? How many times have you called to check on him? When I would reply that I was fine and that he was doing well with his father, they looked at me like something was wrong with me. I even had a coworker look at me surprised when he asked to see pictures of the baby and I told him that I didn't have any. Does this make me a bad mother? I mean, I have him as my screen saver on my cell, but at the time I thought he was asking to see physical pictures. I could see if I had my own space where I could put up family photos to bring a smile to my face during the day, but I don't. I told my mom that I was scared to put pictures on my desk for fear that I would return and either the photos would be laying there without the frame, or the pictures and the frame would turn up missing! Sounds crazy, but it is so true. I think that the fact that Donovan is being care for by trusted persons, I don't have to worry about if he's ok, or call a million times to check on him. I was a little nervous about Francis keeping him for the first time for the entire day, but considering Francis said they had a good day, I'm fine with that. Now, had Francis called me a million times in distress, I might have different sentiments....nonetheless, we are back to work...

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