Monday, October 6, 2008

Wanna know what sucks????

Being hungry for nothing. Being hungry for the sake of being hungry but not having a taste for anything!! Making food, thinking, man, this is gonna be good, and beginning to eat, just to realize, its not hitting the spot and therefore you no longer want to eat it. Baby Lopez is a trip. (S)he doesn't necessarily not like anything (i.e., no nausea/puking) but (s)he doesn't like anything either - except fruit. I can't survive off fruit!!! I went to my grandmother's house while I was on bedrest, excited because I knew she would cook for me. She made greens, cornbread, turkey, dressing, etc....all smelled really good, but tasted like nothing as it entered my mouth. She's like, what's wrong?? I'm like, nothing, it just isn't hitting the spot :( This is for the birds. I'm trying to eat healthy food so that the baby grows healthy and strong, but nothing is really hitting the spot. As much as I love peanut butter and jelly, and cereal, I can't eat that for the remainder of this pregnancy. Baby Lopez needs to get it together!

1 comment:

StephanStef said...

Baby Lopez will love peanut butter and jelly when s(he)grows up. Ha.