Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I'm not ready

So my line sister had her baby today, a beautiful baby girl, and upon hearing the news I instantly felt weird. It's like, one minute you're pregnant, and the next you're not. My whole being felt weird, like, wow, that's gonna be me in a few months. And no, I'm not ready, not at all. I totally don't mind being pregnant, I have no complaints whatsoever. I actually think I am a little scared to give birth...so it has me thinking, what am I gonna be like come May? How am I gonna react when the water breaks? I mean, I'm not going to have lamaze class or anything like that, so I'm going at it old school style like they did back in the day. No new technology methods for me, nope, just straight water break and push when they tell me to. So yeah...I'm not ready...ask me in a few months and see if my answer changes...


Unknown said...

We dont have a choice in the matter do we now babe?

Unknown said...

hey Tee, I too enjoyed being pregnant. I didnt get to sick in the begining,nor was I sick or have problems the remaining months. If you can remember back I would have been a surrogate mom for others cause I enjoyed being pregnant,but once you get in ur last month thats when u will get eager to have the baby out of you,like right NOW. Even after Karrissa me getting sick and Maranda having to give myself shots it was wonderful. Its amazing still the whole process of pregnancy. WOW...

DIANE said...

I loved being pregnant, having this little baby in my belly, feeling it move around ever so often that was so amazing, and then when I gave birth and seeing my baby for the 1st time I was so happy I never forgot that feeling just holding her in my arms, Im a mother now, and you will have that same feeling, its just wonderful.

Unknown said...

Are you saying that you are not going to use any drugs? Have you considered a water birth?

Tequilla Lopez said...

I wanted a water birth, but U of C does not offer that...and I'm not saying that I'm not considering any drugs...but I wanna see how far I can go without them...